



North east India is facing serious conflicts, armed struggles for territorial sovereignty or separate identity, onslaught of globalization, HIV / AIDS, drug abuse, poor governance, concentration of wealth in the hands of few people, unemployment, underemployment and displacement-based development. The nature of armed conflict ranges from sovereignty demands to autonomy, some of which are half a century old while others are in formation stage. The onslaught of globalization is led by free trade across Moreh, along with prioritization of debt repayment in government budgets, construction of large dams, mining, road construction and structural adjustment programs cutting down government support to people. Drug addiction is increasing. This has also fuelled the HIV pandemic which has spread among the general population especially to the women and children of drug users. Now is the transition period where widows, orphans and death rates have to increase. Poor governance in the form of sharing the public resources by contractors, non-state armed groups, politicians and bureaucrats have led to concentration of wealth to a few individuals leaving the people poor and helpless.

In view of the above situations and problems CSD felt the need to bring changes through non violent and democratic process. The Organization is a nonprofit working among the grass root population. It was established in the year 1986 where its activities are focused on human rights, peace building, community development, women empowerment, health, education and environment (Climate Change) under the support of EED. CSD has different units.


  1. HIV/AIDS and drugs:

    Our HIV/AIDS and drugs intervention were taken up under the harm reduction philosophy. CSD is working among the sex workers, IDUs, migrant laborers, general population especially among the youths. Under the harm reduction project different injecting needles, condoms were distributed. Referral service, counseling, home visits and field visits were taken up. CSD is also building different groups for the HIV affected people, widows groups, SHGs to enable them to generate their income. CSD is rehabilitating HIV affected women who are prone to prostitutions and human trafficking. It has also rehabilitated domestic violence victims. They are provided different kinds of training for their livelihood. Our human rights desk is taking up protection and accompaniment to victim women to get their rights. Women empowerments were widely taken up where they need to create a space for participation, development and justice.

  2. Conflict Transformation and Peace Building:

    Under conflict transformation and peace building, CSD has taken up different programs. Local Capacities for Peace (LCP) workshops were organized and trainers were developed for intensification of applying this tool in the community. CSD organizes workshops on conflict analysis and peace building with key leaders of different communities in the northeast India. It reaches out to civil society organizations, peace activists, intellectuals, academia and religious bodies in its effort to bring sustainable peace in the region. It also responded with minimum relief services where ever and whenever conflict or tension erupted in northeast India.

    Besides, in networking with different NGOs, CSD have repeatedly urges upon the state and non-state actors to cease violence against civilians but sort out the differences through amicable and peaceful method. It has also been urging all concerns to respect the dos and don’ts laid down by Supreme Court of India and regulations laid down by International Protocol to be implemented while operating in armed conflict affected areas.

  3. Environment/Climate Change:

    Programs like publicity cum poster campaign on Climate change were organized in different districts. We have organized workshops on climate change. With different stakeholders, NGOs and POs we also carried out demonstration, awareness about the negative impact of climate change and destruction of environment in the north eastern states. It has been vociferous for rehabilitations, relocation of people affected by development projects.

    We are building a number of farmers clubs in order address the Human rights violations including their rights. The farmers are developing food bank, seed bank in their village. It helps in sustaining livelihood during lean season, natural calamities. The farmers club practice maintaining indigenous seed. CSD is building different SHGs in different parts of the northeast through partner NGOs.

  4. Globalization:

    CSD is facilitating awareness on negative impacts of globalization on the common people. It is also developing capacities of the people to effectively response against negative aspects of globalization by facilitating evolvement of alternatives based on the people’s perspective with special emphasis on reviving the traditional and indigenous people that is viable and sustainable.

  5. Lobby and Advocacy:

    CSD with close cooperation with community and other NGOs have been engaging with different government’s department for policy or amendment of policy on drugs, HIV/AIDS and gender etc. Meetings with different key stake holders including MLAs and Ministers and submission of memoranda were taken up time to time.

  6. Networking and alliance building:

    CSD is networking with a number of NGOs, CBOs, POs, Academician, intellectuals, religious leaders, Individuals etc. for collective efforts on different issues.


Background and Rationale:

North east India comprising Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura is considered as the least developed region of India. The region is associated with different issues such as poverty, armed conflict, drugs, HIV/AIDS, corruption and problems of women, children, farmers, health, education, environment and displacement. The region had been enduring these issues for the last many decades.

North eastern region of India is rich in biological diversity, floral, faunal and varied ecosystems and falls in Biodiversity Hotspot No. 14 (out of 34 such unique sites listed by Conservation International in 2005). Studies and testimonies from communities have confirmed the increasing shrinking of wetlands, pollution and dying of rivers. The forest area coverage is rapidly dwindling because of numerous reasons. With global warming and climate change, the region is highly susceptible. The most severe impacts of climate change would be on the poor.

The region is also rich in natural resources such as mineral ores, hydropower and natural gas etc. Over exploitation of these resources by constructing mega dams and mining of mineral ores without free, prior and informed consent of the people has led to destruction of environment and displacement of people. It further spawn to different problems like lost of livelihood means, trafficking of women and children, spread of child labor, female sex workers, drug users, people living HIV/AIDS and encourage crimes and gun culture out of no option.

This environment setting identical in the northeast states of India necessitate for a project so as to enhance the capacity of the disadvantaged and vulnerable people like farmers, peasants, women, agricultural workers and displaced people due to mega dams and armed conflict. This project is specially designed to boost collaborative action among NGOs in the northeast in order to build people’s capacity to access their basic fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution of India and International Laws.

Major Activities:

  1. Promoting Food Bank, Seed Bank and Village Capital

    Under this project 136 food banks and seed banks, 451 SHGs and 105 farmer clubs have been promoted directly benefitting about 4940 people in different villages of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya and Nagaland through 18 different partner NGOs. The intention of this model is to make the villagers self-reliant on food, reduce indebtedness and enhance cooperation among villagers. These beneficiaries lend among themselves and villagers, food and finance in times of need and discontinue taking high interest loan from local money lenders. They are also able to participate in different social actions and programs for the development and welfare of the villagers.

  2. Gender mainstreaming

    23 resources from the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya and Nagaland on gender were developed to engage in the community. They are engaged in facilitating workshops on gender and dialogue on integrating women in traditional village institutions in their respective state. Gradually, women taking leading roles in the village and social institutions are increasing. Today in this project villages, there are about 10 women elected as Panchayat members, 2 women in village authority and many women are being included in the decision making body of churches.

  3. Local Capacities for Peace (LCP)

    Under this program, 25 resources on local capacities for peace from the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland and Tripura were promoted. Following development of these resources, 12 rounds of regional level trainings on LCP were conducted since 2010 and more than 200 key community leaders received LCP training. In this LCP tool, elements that divide and connect people are identified and options are generated to reduce tension and conflict and enhance peace in the community.
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